Debug Mode is a mode in the original Shantae game that allows the user to mess around with developer features. These features include, but are not limted to, teleportation, free-fly movement, and immediately unlocking all items in the game.

The screen that appears when the Debug Code is entered.
To enter Debug Mode, input Left (×2), Right (×8), Left (×6), Right (×2), Left (×7), Right (×6), Left (×8)[1] on the title screen once the game has booted up. This combination is not random, rather it is one off from WayForward's phone number of (661) 286-2769.
At the menu that appears, you can choose to start a Debug Game (Which will take over a normal file slot), at which then you get access to the features that Debug Mode provides.
Once you load your game, you are presented with a series of 2 digit symbols. Each symbol represents a location in the game. Not all of these codes are winners, however. Some of these locations will lead to a crash. Here are the ones you should be cautious of:[2]
- I3: Attempting to access the debug menu from this map crashes the game.
The teleportation menu.
- D4: This map cannot be selected.
- M2: This is the Dance Parlor map. There are no button actions for this mini-game if it's loaded from the debug menu. Furthermore, the mini-game never ends and the pause menu cannot be accessed, forcing the player to restart the game.
Free-Fly Movement[]
While playing in Debug Mode, pressing Select-A will lock Shantae in T-Pose and will allow you to move around in the air without collision. Pressing Select again will exit Free-Fly mode. However, leaving Free-Fly mode while in collision will usually lead to a crash. [3]

Shantae in Free-Fly mode.
Other Features of Debug Mode[]
Most people use Debug Mode on a Game Boy Color to access the hidden 10th transformation dance: The Tinkerbat Dance. While supposed to only be accessible with the GBA Enhanced mode, the dance is in Debug Mode, and when Debug Mode is active the dance can be utilized with Down-Up-Up. [4] Another feature of Debug Mode is there is a hidden Sound Test room, accessible from selecting M! on the teleport menu when you load a debug file. [5] While playing in Debug Mode, you are also awarded 500 Gems, 10 of all weapons, 99 warp squids, all dance moves, and all items. [6]