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The Hypno Baron is one of the Barons of Sequin Land and is the third boss of Risky's Revenge. He dwells in his sealed fortress Hypno Tower and holds the third Magic Seal.



Hypno Baron is a humanoid creature that cloaks himself in a dark purple robe with golden trimming, similarly to the red robes worn by the Druids that reside in Hypno Tower with him. Strangely enough, in Risky's Revenge, his character sprite has empty eye sockets with glowing red lights, while his artwork and character speech box have cartoonish eyeballs. In Half-Genie Hero, his sprite and artwork appear consistent with one another, showing the glowing outline of a skull and piercing yellow eyes. Though the skull under his robe would make people believe that he is a shape-shifting skeleton (possibly a Cackler), his actual physical appearance is unknown.


Very little is known about Hypno Baron-- he initially seemed to be perfectly content with being left alone in Hypno Tower to his various evil schemes. However, he now appears to be interested in dominating the market with toys and merchandising, rather than destroying the world himself. This leads him to build mutually beneficial partnerships with those he thinks will be of use to him, even including the other Barons of Sequin Land and Shantae to get what he wants. He is also not against getting information or advice from others, as he is noted by Rottytops to have asked her brothers for advice on "summoning a creature of unspeakable horror". As one of the Barons of Sequin Land, he collects artifacts, but is willing to give them to others when offered a fair exchange (such as completing tasks for him) or when he is defeated in combat. He seems to heavily dislike the other Barons, and prefers to stay secluded from them in Hypno Tower; however he was shown to be capable of cooperating with both Ammo Baron and Squid Baron, while being frustrated by their presence at the same time.

While he is heavily implied to be evil, Hypno Baron has respect for both Risky and Shantae as his opponents. Upon meeting Shantae for the first time, he compliments her plans to collect the Magic Seals, and even tries to inform her that Mimic was keeping secrets from her before his defeat in Risky's Revenge. Eventually, in Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, Hypno Baron appears to have changed his ways, for the most part, and intends to sell toys and merchandise with the likeness of Squid Baron on them.


Hypno Baron is a very powerful sorcerer, capable of casting powerful spells comparable to those of Shantae, or even far exceeding her level. He's been also shown to be skilled alchemist, capable of creating deadly mixtures in a matter of seconds. So far he has proved to be capable of:

  • Shape-shifting - Hypno Baron can transform in anything he wishes to. Similar to Shantae's transformations he also takes the full appearance of entity he changed in.
  • Teleportation & Flying - Hypno Baron is capable of teleporting himself in any direction (Risky's Revenge) and flying (Half-Genie-Hero) while casting spells.
  • Hypnosis & Mind Reading - Hypno Baron might be capable of using hypnosis (since his name alludes to it). He uses his mind-reading skills to learn about his opponents and use their weakness against them.
  • Magic Spells - Hypno Baron can use various kinds of magic spells like throwing Fireballs or shooting Energy Beams from his finger. He's also capable of lifting heavy objects with his Telekinesis as proved when he was throwing Squid Baron with his telekinesis.

Game Appearances[]

Main Games[]

Risky's Revenge[]

Hypno Baron holds the final Magic Seal in Hypno Tower. When Shantae confronts him, he at first congratulates her for getting so far, and warns her of Mimic not giving her the full story on the magic lamp. Before she can get a straight answer from him, Hypno Baron transforms into Mimic and goads her into fighting him.

As Uncle Mimic, he has the ability to teleport and he has three different attacks, he never physically hits Shantae but instead attacks from afar. His first attack is using his finger as a gun, which is so powerful that it will knock Shantae back. When Shantae is standing on the ground he will use his second attack, throwing a beaker on the ground which will send two shock waves to the right and to the left. His third attack is used when Shantae is standing on pillar, a barrel or is hanging on a chain; The Hypno Baron will throw a beaker that rises a high flame from the place where the beaker landed. Shantae can prevent all attacks if she attacks the Hypno Baron just before he is about to use any of his attacks. The Beaker attack can be stopped easily but the finger gun is very hard to prevent.

At first, the Hypno Baron will teleport 3 times. When he has taken 100, 120, and 140 damage, he will instead teleport 4, 5, or 7 times, respectively. After 140 damage he also gains a speed boost.

When the Hypno Baron has taken 159 damage he loses his Uncle Mimic appearance and only the skull of the Hypno Baron remains which can't hurt Shantae and only has 1 health. When Shantae defeats it, she is rewarded with the third seal.

Half-Genie Hero[]

Hypno Baron returns in Half-Genie Hero.[1]. He summons Squid Baron to license his likeness out as merchandise to cover the costs of his future evil plans. Rottytops and her brothers mishear Hypno Baron's intentions and believe that Hypno Baron is planning on summoning a giant monster to destroy the world. Shantae stops Hypno Baron in the middle of the summoning of Squid Baron and attacks the two. In the ensuing boss battle with the Squid Baron, Hypno Baron joins the fight halfway through, launching the former around with his telekinesis and firing pillars of flame at Shantae. When ultimately defeated, Hypno Baron clears up the confusion of his questionably evil intentions, and then departs for the Scuttle Town Bathhouse.

After Risky Boots steals the completed Dynamo, Hypno Baron can be found in the Scuttle Town Bathhouse, currently in the market for Sunken Souls. If Shantae delivers 10 Sunken Souls to him, he will reward her with Risky's Ribbon, one of the clues required to find Risky and stop her.


  • Despite being named after hypnosis, Hypno Baron has not yet directly used it on Shantae or her friends in any of his boss encounters.
  • Due to his superficial appearance being similar to druids, Hypno Baron may also be a druid, or at the very least is their leader or employer.
  • It would appear that Hypno Baron's licensing of Squid Baron's likeness was successful, as Shantae can be seen leaning on a beach ball with Squid Baron's face on it in the Beach Mode ending artwork of Half-Genie Hero.


