Part of Oasis Town in Shantae.
Oasis Town is a town in the desert that lies West of Scuttle Town. Sky lives here - until the next game, after which she moves to Scuttle Town.
Noteworthy Places[]
- Sky's Hatchery - Sky's workplace. The player can come here for advice on where to go next.
- Gecko Chamber - A gambling establishment that hosts a dice game. The fastest way to make money in the game. Has a bug where the player can keep on bidding even if they have run out of money.
- Item Shop - Where Shantae can buy various items.
- Bath House - Where Shantae recharges her health.
- Save Room - Where the player can save their game.
- Warp Squid Hut - The player can bring four Baby Warp Squids here to learn a dance that teleports Shantae to this town.
Item Shop[]
Oasis Town can be seen from Scuttle Town's main gate in Half-Genie Hero, although it can't be visited.