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Sequin Land Palace is a place mentioned by Mayor Scuttlebutt as being a place to which Scuttle Town ships fish via wagon as the town's main economy. It is the center of power of Sequin Land and is where the Sequin Land Sultana resides, though she is mentioned as frequently traveling and often isn't around.

Shantae visits the Palace at the beginning of The Pirate's Curse to find a map for Risky Boots in the library. While there, she shows her Summons to the librarian, who is aghast to learn that the Royal Guards intend to cut her hair for attacking Scuttle Town's mayor, the Ammo Baron. Having served on the Royal Council (for one day), the librarian is able to drop Shantae's charges and save her hair.

After The Pirate Master is revived, he takes over the Palace and turns the upper floors into a twisted pathway of flesh, spikes, and pits called Pirate Master's Palace. Shantae's final battle with the Pirate Master takes place on the highest roof.

There is an extensive sewer system underneath the palace where Shantae can find a heart squid, a Cacklebat, and a secret training area. Defeating all of the enemies in this secret area unlocks the Skilled Survivor achievement.
