Tanline Soldiers, also known as "Harem Soldiers", are enemies that appear in Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. They are found mainly on Tan Line Island, and within the Tan Line Temple, to which they serve either as invaders or protectors.
The Tanline soldiers are female warriors that are dressed in Middle Eastern styled clothing and armor. For armor, they wear gold colored helmets decorated with purple markings and a red plume; golden pauldrons on their shoulders, golden bracelets/vambraces on their arms, and a red chest plate protecting their torso. As for clothing, they wear light blue harem pants and pointed brown shoes. For weapons, they carry a circular bronze shield and wield a scimitar.
These female soldiers don't swing their swords around, but instead are constantly on the move, and will damage Shantae by running into her. They can also make use of the chains and platforms found inside the Tanline Temple, sporadically climbing up the chains and leaping off of them when Shantae happens to be in range. They are also one of the only enemies that will continuously respawn so long as Shantae does not leave the area they are in; the only exception to this occurring when they spawn in the Hidden Training Room within Scuttle Town's sewers, along with a variety of other enemies. When defeated, these warriors get launched, exploding in typical Shantae enemy fashion.
- Based on their concept art for Shantae: Half Genie Hero, it can be assumed that the Tanline Soldiers were initially going to feature as enemies in the game, until their designs were altered into the Undead Knights, which better suited the style of both Tassle Town and Hypno Baron's Castle.